Sunday 19 August 2007

How it all started.

The history…..

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, oh sorry wrong story….

When I was 19 I started a relationship, nothing new there, but after 3 months, yep only 3 months we have the daunting task of telling our parents that we were having a baby, hmm I hear you say, this is when you do a runner, never pay maintenance and that’s why you never see your children, well think again…

Old Skool
You see my parents are what you would say are old school, the kind of parents that would say the kind of words “you made your bed now lie in it”, and “You got the girl in trouble, your problem”, but to be totally fair to both my parents, they have been so good to me since my separation, giving me a place to stay and I know that they miss seeing their grandchildren as much as I do.

Do your best.
Anyway for the next 13 years, I did just that, I did my best to support my family, in terms of both being a loving father and a provider, never really happy with the situation but doing my best because I have always been devoted to my 3 children. My now ex-wife always going out with her friends and buying unneeded things from the catalogue, that coupled with arguments, affairs and threesomes, (that’s not for this blog) which over time cost me my home, and my family, left me with debts totalling £40,000.

My ex ended up getting a very nice 3 three bed roomed council house, I was homeless, to scared, no embarrassed to admit to my parents that I had failed, but deep inside of me I did feel a real calmness and a what I can only describe as a sense of freedom, being released, but knowing that I would find it hard to see my children.

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