Friday 24 August 2007

February and Keane

February and the concert.

This was a month in which I did manage to see my son, he even was allowed to stay over with me and my partner, wow, I hear you gasp!!

Keane in concert
You see I had brought my son some tickets to go and see Keane at the NEC some time last year and as the date was approaching I really thought that I would have to sell the tickets because my ex-partner would never let my son go out with me and my new partner, would she?

Hmm, well he was allowed and I have to say that we had a fantastic time, and I will always remember how wet we all got going from the car park to the venue, let me explain.

People or sheep:
People being people they will see either see a queue and join it or see a group of people walking in what seems the general direction of the venue and just follow. Well we did what all good sheep do and followed the crowed, not to bad at the start but as the rain got faster and faster, heaver and heaver, we all got wetter and wetter and the venue seemed miles away, strange how when you are driving its always closer! My son being the brighter one of this small group of me, my partner and himself put on 1 but 2 hoods upon his head and had great fun dancing in the rain making fun of me and my partner both trying very hard to stay dry under the smallest of umbrellas, but it was the kind of rain that came in from the side so, well you can just imagine we were getting very wet and following this long line of people heading towards the NEC.

Not a field…
Well, we were in great spirits even though we were getting wet and we even had a cross over a muddy field, see what happens when you just blindly follow people, what a laugh when we got to the other end of this field and we had to clime over a wire fence, me and my son were ok but Sam had her boots on and, well for any boot wearing ladies reading this, sinking, slipping and getting very muddy may spring to mind, but we did manage to get to the venue doors in one piece and looking back now, I have to smile because as we got to the venue doors we saw the bus stop that takes people to and from the car park. So let this be a lesson to you all, don’t just follow, and look for a bus first!

The concert was fantastic, and even though I was not really a Keane fan before the concert I am now, Louis and Sam got on really well and I thought this is how it should be.

I went to bed that night really pleased and happy knowing that my son got on well with my new partner and vice a versa really, but to be honest Sam is so good with children, caring and will give her time I did know that it would not be a problem.

Oh, please excuse my sons hair on the photo, well it was raining!!

1 comment:

Queen Vixen said...

Sounds like you had a great time. Hope there are many more to come.